Admission Enquiry +91 6366 460 340
Admission Enquiry +91 6366 460 340
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Counting and number patterns
A.1Skip-counting (12)
A.2Skip-counting sequences
A.3Counting patterns - up to 100
A.4Number lines - up to 100
A.5Hundreds chart
A.6Even or odd
A.7Identify numbers as even or odd
A.8Select even or odd numbers
A.9Even or odd numbers on number lines
A.10Which even or odd number comes before or after?
A.11Skip-counting stories
A.12Skip-counting puzzles
Comparing and ordering
B.1Comparing numbers up to 100
B.2Put numbers up to 100 in order
B.3Greatest and least - word problems - up to 10
Names of numbers
C.1Ordinal numbers up to 10th
C.2Ordinal numbers up to 100th
C.3Writing numbers up to 100 in words
C.4Distinguishing ordinal and cardinal numbers
D.1Repeating patterns
D.2Growing patterns
D.3Find the next shape in a pattern
D.4Complete a repeating pattern
D.5Make a repeating pattern
D.6Find the next row in a growing pattern
Addition - one digit
E.1Review - add one-digit numbers - sums to 10
E.2Review - ways to make a number - sums to 10
E.3Review - writing addition sentences - sums to 10
E.4Add doubles
E.5Add one-digit numbers
E.6Addition with pictures - sums to 20
E.7Write addition sentences to describe pictures - sums to 20
E.8Addition input/output tables - sums to 20
E.9Add zero
E.10Addition word problems - one digit
E.11Complete the addition sentence - one digit
E.12Write the addition sentence - one digit
E.13Balance addition equations - one digit
E.14Add three or more one-digit numbers
E.15Add three or more one-digit numbers - word problems
E.16Identify repeated addition in arrays: sums to 10
E.17Write addition sentences for arrays: sums to 10
E.18Identify repeated addition in arrays: sums to 25
E.19Write addition sentences for arrays: sums to 25
Subtraction - one digit
F.1Review - subtract one-digit numbers - up to 10
F.2Review - ways to subtract - up to 10
F.3Review - writing subtraction sentences - up to 10
F.4Subtract doubles
F.5Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number up to 18
F.6Subtraction with pictures
F.7Write subtraction sentences to describe pictures - up to 18
F.8Subtraction input/output tables - up to 18
F.9Subtract zero/all
F.10Subtraction word problems - up to 18
F.11Complete the subtraction sentence - up to 18
F.12Write the subtraction sentence - up to 18
F.13Balance subtraction equations - up to 18
Addition - two digits
G.1Add multiples of 10
G.2Add a two-digit and a one-digit number - without regrouping
G.3Add a two-digit and a one-digit number - with regrouping
G.4Add two two-digit numbers - without regrouping
G.5Add two two-digit numbers - with regrouping
G.6Write addition sentences to describe pictures
G.7Addition input/output tables - up to two digits
G.8Ways to make a number using addition
G.9Addition word problems - up to two digits
G.10Complete the addition sentence - up to two digits
G.11Write the addition sentence - up to two digits
G.12Balance addition equations - up to two digits
G.13Add three or more numbers up to two digits each
G.14Add three or more numbers up to two digits - word problems
Subtraction - two digits
H.1Subtract multiples of 10
H.2Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number - without regrouping
H.3Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number - with regrouping
H.4Subtract two two-digit numbers - without regrouping
H.5Subtract two two-digit numbers - with regrouping
H.6Write subtraction sentences to describe pictures - up to two digits
H.7Subtraction input/output tables - up to two digits
H.8Ways to make a number using subtraction
H.9Subtraction word problems - up to two digits
H.10Complete the subtraction sentence - up to two digits
H.11Write the subtraction sentence - up to two digits
H.12Balance subtraction equations - up to two digits
I.1Related addition facts
I.2Related subtraction facts
I.3Fact families
I.4Addition and subtraction terms
Place values
J.1Place value models - tens and ones
J.2Place value - tens and ones
J.3Regroup tens and ones
J.4Regroup tens and ones - ways to make a number
J.5Convert to/from a number - tens and ones
J.6Convert between place values - tens and ones
Estimation and rounding
K.1Estimate to the nearest ten
K.2Round to the nearest ten
K.3Estimate sums
L.1Coin values
L.2Count money - up to 10 rupees
L.3Count money - up to 50 rupees
L.4Equivalent amounts of money - up to 10 rupees
L.5Equivalent amounts of money - up to 50 rupees
L.6Exchanging coins
L.7Comparing groups of coins
L.8Add and subtract money - word problems - up to 10 rupees
L.9Which picture shows more - up to 10 rupees
L.10Which picture shows more - up to 50 rupees
L.11Least number of coins
L.12Purchases - do you have enough money - up to 10 rupees
L.13Purchases - do you have enough money - up to 50 rupees
L.14Making change
M.1Days of the week
M.3Read a calendar
M.4Months of the year
M.5Number of days in each month
M.6Relate time units
M.7A.M. or P.M.
Data and graphs
N.1Which tally chart is correct?
N.2Interpret tally charts
O.1Name the two-dimensional shape
O.2Select two-dimensional shapes
O.3Count sides and vertices
O.4Compare sides and vertices
O.5Name the three-dimensional shape
O.6Select three-dimensional shapes
O.7Count vertices, edges and faces
O.8Compare vertices, edges and faces
O.9Flip, turn and slide
P.1Long and short
P.2Tall and short
P.3Light and heavy
P.4Holds more or less
P.5Compare size, weight and capacity
P.6Choose the appropriate measuring tool
P.7Measure using objects
P.8Measure using a centimetre ruler
Logical reasoning
Q.1Guess the number
R.1More, less and equally likely
R.2Certain, probable, unlikely and impossible
Mixed operations
S.1Add and subtract numbers up to 20
S.2Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 20
S.3Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 20
S.4Addition and subtraction - balance equations - up to 20
S.5Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 20
S.6Add and subtract numbers up to 100
S.7Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number - up to 100
S.8Addition and subtraction word problems - up to 100
S.9Addition and subtraction - balance equations - up to 100
S.10Input/output tables - write the rule - up to 100
S.11Which sign (+ or -) makes the number sentence true?
S.12Write addition and subtraction sentences
A.1Choose the picture that rhymes with the word
A.2Which word does not rhyme?
A.3Complete the rhyme
A.4Complete the poem with a word that rhymes
A.5Spell rhyming words to answer riddles
Consonant blends and digraphs
B.1Complete the word with the correct initial consonant blend
B.2Complete the word with the correct final consonant blend
B.3Spell the word with a consonant blend
B.4Complete the word with the correct digraph: ch, sh, th
B.5Complete the word with the correct digraph: ph, qu, wh
B.6Spell the digraph word: ch, sh, th
B.7Spell the digraph word: ph, qu, wh
B.8Sort by initial consonant blend or digraph
B.9Complete the word with a three-letter consonant blend
B.10Complete the sentence with a three-letter consonant blend word
B.11Complete the words with silent letters
Short vowels
C.1Complete the word with the correct short vowel
C.2Spell the short a word
C.3Spell the short e word
C.4Spell the short i word
C.5Spell the short o word
C.6Spell the short u word
Short and long vowels
D.1Sort short and long vowel words
D.2Match the short a and long a words to pictures
D.3Match the short e and long e words to pictures
D.4Choose the short i or long i word that matches the picture
D.5Choose the short o or long o word that matches the picture
D.6Choose the short u or long u word that matches the picture
D.7Use spelling patterns to sort long and short vowel words
D.8Is the syllable open or closed?
D.9Spell words with open and closed syllables
D.10Complete the sentence with the correct -ild, -ind, -old, -olt or -ost word
Long vowels
E.1Choose the silent e word that matches the picture
E.2Complete the silent e words
E.3Spell the silent e word
E.4Choose the picture that matches the vowel digraph word
E.5Complete the vowel digraph words
E.6Complete the word with the correct vowel digraph
E.7Choose the vowel digraph sentence that matches the picture
E.8Choose the words with a given long vowel
E.9Spell the long a word: silent e, ai, ay
E.10Spell the long e word: ee, ea
E.11Spell the long i word: silent e, ie, y
E.12Spell the long o word: silent e, oa, ow
E.13Spell the long u word: silent e, ue, oo, ew
Diphthongs: oi, oy, ou, ow
F.1Choose the diphthong word that matches the picture
F.2Complete the word with the correct diphthong: oi, oy, ou, ow
F.3Choose the diphthong sentence that matches the picture
Variant vowels
G.1Complete words with variant vowels
G.2Which word has a different vowel sound?
Soft g and c
H.1Sort soft and hard g words and soft and hard c words
H.2Pick the soft g or soft c word that matches the picture
H.3Choose the soft g or soft c sentence that matches the picture
H.4Spell the soft g or soft c word
I.1How many syllables does the word have?
I.2Sort by the number of syllables
I.3Put two syllables together to create a word
I.4Complete the two-syllable words
I.5Complete the sentence with a two-syllable word
I.6Choose the correct spelling of the consonant-l-e word
I.7Complete the consonant-l-e words
I.8Spell the consonant-l-e word
Sight words
J.1Choose the sight word that you hear
J.2Complete the sentence with the correct sight word
J.3Spell the sight word
Sentence structure
K.1Is the sentence a statement, question, command or exclamation?
K.2Identify the subject of a sentence
K.3Identify the predicate of a sentence
K.4Is it a complete sentence or a fragment?
K.5Is it a complete sentence or a run-on?
K.6Is it a complete sentence, a fragment or a run-on?
K.7Unscramble the words to make a complete sentence
L.1Select the nouns
L.2Which word is a noun?
L.3Identify nouns
L.4Sort common and proper nouns
L.5Identify common and proper nouns
L.6Form regular plurals with -s and -es
L.7Use regular plurals with -s and -es
L.8Use singular and plural nouns
L.9Is the noun singular or plural?
L.10Form and use irregular plurals
L.11Identify plurals, singular possessives and plural possessives
L.12Form the singular or plural possessive
L.13Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns
M.1Identify personal pronouns
M.2Choose between subject and object personal pronouns
M.3Replace the singular noun with a personal pronoun
M.4Replace the plural noun with a personal pronoun
M.5Compound subjects and objects with "I" and "me"
M.6Choose the correct personal pronoun
M.7Identify possessive pronouns
M.8Use possessive pronouns
M.9Choose between personal and reflexive pronouns
M.10Use reflexive pronouns
N.1Use action verbs
N.2Identify action verbs
N.3Identify helping verbs
N.4One or more than one?
N.5Use the correct subject or verb
N.6Pronoun-verb agreement
N.7Which sentence is in the regular past tense?
N.8Identify verbs in the regular past tense
N.9Form and use the regular past tense
N.10Change the sentence to future tense
N.11Identify the irregular past tense I
N.12Identify the irregular past tense II
N.13Form and use the irregular past tense: set 1
N.14Form and use the irregular past tense: set 2
N.15Form and use the irregular past tense: set 3
N.16Form and use the irregular past tense: set 4
N.17Complete the word with the ending that you hear
N.18Match the -ed and -ing sentences to the pictures
N.19To be: use the correct present tense form
N.20To be: use the correct past tense form
N.21To be: use the correct form
N.22To have: use the correct form
N.23Place sentences with irregular verbs on a timeline
N.24Is the sentence in the past, present or future tense?
O.1Use the correct article: a or an
O.2Identify articles
Adjectives and adverbs
P.1Use sense words
P.2Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many?
P.3Identify the adjective that describes the noun
P.4Identify adjectives
P.5Identify comparative and superlative adjectives
P.6Does the adverb tell you how, when or where?
P.7Identify adverbs
P.8Choose between adjectives and adverbs
P.9Is the word an adjective or adverb?
Q.1Select the best preposition to match the picture
Q.2Select the best preposition to complete the sentence
Transitions and sequence
R.1Use conjunctions
R.2Identify time-order words
R.3Put the sentences in order
S.1Form pronoun-verb contractions
S.2Form contractions with "not"
S.3Use pronoun-verb contractions
S.4Use contractions with "not"
S.5Use contractions in a sentence
Capitalisation and formatting
T.1Capitalising the names of people and pets
T.2Capitalising days, months and holidays
T.3Capitalising the names of places and geographic features
T.4Capitalising titles
T.5Greetings and closings of letters
Reference skills
U.1Order alphabetically based on the first letter
U.2Order alphabetically based on the first two letters
U.3Order alphabetically based on the first three letters
U.4Use guide words
U.5Use dictionary entries
Word meanings
V.1Use context to identify the meaning of a word
V.2Choose the synonym
V.3Which sentence has the same meaning?
V.4Find synonyms in context
V.5Choose the antonym
V.6Which sentence uses an antonym?
V.7Find antonyms in context
V.8Sort words into categories
V.9Find the words with related meanings
V.10Which word is not like the others?
V.11Describe the difference between related words
V.12Order related words based on meaning
V.13Form compound words
V.14Form and use compound words
V.15Multiple-meaning words with pictures
V.16Homophones with pictures
V.17Identify homophones
V.18Use the correct homophone
V.19Identify base words, prefixes and suffixes
V.20Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re- or mis-
V.21Use the prefixes pre-, re- and mis-
V.22Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less
V.23Prefixes and suffixes: review
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