Admission Enquiry +91 6366 460 340
Admission Enquiry +91 6366 460 340
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Counting and number patterns
A.1Counting review - up to 10
A.2Count to fill a ten frame
A.3Counting review - up to 20
A.4Counting tens and ones - up to 30
A.5Count on ten frames - up to 40(32)
A.6Counting - up to 100
A.7Counting tens and ones - up to 99
A.8Counting by twos, fives and tens with pictures
A.9Counting by twos, fives and tens
A.10Counting forward and backward
A.11Number lines - up to 100
A.12Hundred chart
A.13Even or odd
A.14Identify numbers as even or odd
A.15Even or odd numbers on number lines
A.16Which even or odd number comes before or after?
A.17Skip-counting patterns - with tables
A.18Sequences - count up and down by 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10
A.19Sequences - count up and down by 100
A.20Ordinal numbers
A.21Writing numbers in words
Place values
B.1Place value models - tens and ones
B.2Place value models - up to hundreds
B.3Write tens and ones - up to 30
B.4Write tens and ones - up to 100
Understand addition
C.1Add with pictures - sums up to 10
C.2Addition sentences - sums up to 10
C.3Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 10
C.4Adding zero
Addition skill builders
D.1Adding 1
D.2Adding 2
D.3Adding 3
D.4Adding 4
D.5Adding 5
D.6Adding 6
D.7Adding 7
D.8Adding 8
D.9Adding 9
D.10Adding 0
E.1Addition facts - sums up to 10
E.2Ways to make a number - addition sentences
E.3Make a number using addition - sums up to 10
E.4Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 10
E.5Addition word problems - sums up to 10
E.6Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 10
E.7Addition facts - sums up to 18
E.8Addition sentences using number lines - sums up to 18
E.9Addition word problems - sums up to 18
E.10Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 18
E.11Addition facts - sums up to 20
E.12Make a number using addition - sums up to 20
E.13Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 20
E.14Related addition facts
E.15Addition sentences: true or false?
E.16Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number - without regrouping
E.17Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number - with regrouping
Addition strategies
F.1Add doubles
F.2Add using doubles plus one
F.3Add using doubles minus one
F.4Add three numbers - use doubles
F.5Complete the addition sentence - make ten
F.6Add three numbers - make ten
F.7Add two multiples of ten
F.8Add a multiple of ten
F.9Add three numbers
F.10Add three numbers - word problems
Understand subtraction
G.1Subtract with pictures - numbers up to 10
G.2Subtraction sentences - numbers up to 10
G.3Subtraction sentences using number lines - numbers up to 10
G.4Subtract zero and all
Subtraction skill builders
H.1Subtracting 1
H.2Subtracting 2
H.3Subtracting 3
H.4Subtracting 4
H.5Subtracting 5
H.6Subtracting 6
H.7Subtracting 7
H.8Subtracting 8
H.9Subtracting 9
H.10Subtracting 0
I.1Subtraction facts - numbers up to 10
I.2Ways to make a number - subtraction sentences
I.3Ways to subtract from a number - subtraction sentences
I.4Make a number using subtraction - numbers up to 10
I.5Complete the subtraction sentence
I.6Subtraction word problems - numbers up to 10
I.7Subtraction sentences for word problems - numbers up to 10
I.8Subtraction facts - numbers up to 18
I.9Subtraction sentences using number lines - numbers up to 18
I.10Subtraction word problems - numbers up to 18
I.11Subtraction sentences for word problems - numbers up to 18
I.12Make a number using subtraction - numbers up to 20
I.13Related subtraction facts
I.14Subtraction sentences: true or false?
I.15Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number - without regrouping
I.16Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number - with regrouping
Subtraction strategies
J.1Relate addition and subtraction sentences
J.2Subtract doubles
J.3Subtract multiples of 10
J.4Subtract a multiple of 10
K.1Comparing - review
K.2Comparing numbers up to 10
K.3Comparing numbers up to 100
K.4Comparison word problems
L.1Estimate to the nearest ten
Two-dimensional shapes
M.1Name the two-dimensional shape
M.2Select two-dimensional shapes
M.3Count sides and vertices
M.4Compare sides and vertices
M.5Open and closed shapes
M.6Flip, turn and slide
Three-dimensional shapes
N.1Two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes
N.2Name the three-dimensional shape
N.3Cubes and rectangular prisms
N.4Select three-dimensional shapes
N.5Count vertices, edges and faces
N.6Compare vertices, edges and faces
N.7Identify shapes traced from solids
N.8Identify faces of three-dimensional shapes
N.9Shapes of everyday objects I
N.10Shapes of everyday objects II
Spatial sense
O.1Above and below
O.2Beside and next to
O.3Left, middle and right
O.4Top, middle and bottom
O.5Location in a grid
Data and graphs
P.1Which picture graph is correct?
P.2Interpret picture graphs
P.3Which tally chart is correct?
P.4Interpret tally charts
P.5Which table is correct?
P.6Interpret data in tables
Q.1Long and short
Q.2Tall and short
Q.3Light and heavy
Q.4Compare size and weight
R.1Coin values
R.2Count coins
R.3Count notes
S.1Introduction to patterns
S.2Find the next shape in a pattern
S.3Complete a pattern
S.4Make a pattern
S.5Growing patterns
S.6Find the next shape in a growing pattern
S.7Find the next row in a growing pattern
T.1More, less and equally likely
T.2Certain, probable, unlikely and impossible
Sorting, ordering and classifying
U.1Sort shapes into a Venn diagram
U.2Count shapes in a Venn diagram
U.3Put numbers in order
V.1Days of the week
V.2Seasons of the year
V.3Read a calendar
V.4Months of the year
V.5A.M. or P.M.
Mixed operations
W.1Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number
W.2Which sign makes the number sentence true?
W.3Fact families
W.4Addition and subtraction facts - numbers up to 10
W.5Addition and subtraction facts - numbers up to 18
W.6Addition and subtraction word problems
W.7Addition and subtraction terms
Consonants and vowels
A.1Sort consonants and vowels
A.2Find the vowels in a word
B.1Choose the picture that rhymes with the word
B.2Which word does not rhyme?
B.3Complete the rhyme
B.4Complete the poem with a word that rhymes
Blending and segmenting
C.1Blend the sounds together to make a word
C.2Identify each sound in a word
C.3Put the sounds in order
Consonant sounds and letters
D.1Which two words start with the same sound?
D.2Which two words end with the same sound?
D.3Which letter does the word start with?
D.4Which letter does the word end with?
Consonant blends and digraphs
E.1Complete the word with the right initial consonant blend
E.2Does the word start with a consonant blend?
E.3Complete the word with the right final consonant blend
E.4Does the word end with a consonant blend?
E.5Fill in the missing consonant blend
E.6Complete the word to match the picture: -ss, -ll, -ff, -zz, -ck
E.7Choose the correct digraph
E.8Complete the word with the right digraph
E.9Spell the digraph word
E.10Sort by initial consonant blend or digraph
Short vowels
F.1Choose the short a word that matches the picture
F.2Complete the short a word
F.3Choose the short a sentence that matches the picture
F.4Choose the picture that matches the short e word
F.5Complete the short e word
F.6Choose the short e sentence that matches the picture
F.7Choose the short i word that matches the picture
F.8Complete the short i words
F.9Choose the short i sentence that matches the picture
F.10Choose the short o word that matches the picture
F.11Complete the short o word
F.12Choose the short o sentence that matches the picture
F.13Choose the picture that matches the short u word
F.14Complete the short u word
F.15Choose the short u sentence that matches the picture
F.16Identify the short vowel sound in a word
F.17Complete the word with the right short vowel
F.18Spell the short vowel word
F.19Complete the sentence with the correct short vowel word
Short and long vowels
G.1Sort short and long vowel words
G.2Match the short a and long a words to pictures
G.3Match the short e and long e words to pictures
G.4Choose the short i or long i word that matches the picture
G.5Choose the short o or long o word that matches the picture
G.6Choose the short u or long u word that matches the picture
G.7Use spelling patterns to sort long and short vowel words
Long vowels
H.1Choose the silent e word that matches the picture
H.2Complete the silent e words
H.3Spell the silent e word
H.4Choose the silent e sentence that matches the picture
H.5Choose the picture that matches the vowel digraph word
H.6Complete the vowel digraph words
H.7Complete the word with the right vowel digraph
H.8Choose the vowel digraph sentence that matches the picture
Diphthongs: oi, oy, ou, ow
I.1Choose the diphthong word that matches the picture
I.2Complete the word with the right diphthong: oi, oy, ou, ow
J.1How many syllables does the word have?
J.2Sort by the number of syllables
J.3Put two syllables together to create a word
J.4Complete the two-syllable words
J.5Complete the sentence with a two-syllable word
Sight words
K.1Choose the sight word that you hear
K.2Complete the sentence with the correct sight word
K.3Spell the sight word
L.1Identify statements
L.2Identify questions
L.3Identify exclamations
L.4Identify commands
L.5Choose the right end mark
L.6Statement, question, command or exclamation?
L.7Who, what, when, where or why?
L.8Is it the naming or action part of the sentence?
L.9Find the complete sentences
L.10Complete the sentence
L.11Unscramble the words to make a complete sentence
M.1Is the noun a person, animal, place or thing?
M.2Complete the sentence with a noun to match the picture
M.3Select the nouns
M.4Identify nouns in a sentence
M.5Sort common and proper nouns
M.6Identify proper nouns
M.7Regular plurals: select the word that matches the picture
M.8Form regular plurals with -s and -es
M.9Use singular and plural nouns
M.10Irregular plurals: select the word that matches the picture
M.11Select the possessive noun that matches the picture
M.12Form the singular possessive
N.1Choose between subject and object personal pronouns
N.2Choose the correct personal pronoun
N.3Complete the sentence with the correct personal pronoun
N.4Choose the correct possessive pronoun
N.5Use the correct possessive pronoun
O.1Complete the sentence with an action verb to match the picture
O.2Identify action verbs
O.3Use action verbs
O.4One or more than one?
O.5Complete the sentence with the best verb
O.6Complete the sentence with the best subject
O.7Pronoun-verb agreement: Complete the sentence with the best verb
O.8Pronoun-verb agreement: Complete the sentence with the best subject
O.9Select the sentence that tells about the present
O.10Select the sentence that tells about the past
O.11Select the sentence that tells about the future
O.12Place sentences on a timeline
O.13Form and use the regular past tense
O.14Identify the irregular past tense
O.15Place sentences with irregular verbs on a timeline
O.16Complete the verb with the ending that you hear
O.17Match the -ed and -ing sentences to the pictures
O.18To be: use the correct present tense form
O.19To be: use the correct past tense form
O.20To be: use the correct form
O.21To have: use the correct form
P.1Use the correct article: a or an
P.2Identify articles
Q.1Compare pictures using adjectives
Q.2Use number wordsQ.3Use sense words
Q.4Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many?
Q.5Identify adjectives
Q.6Compare pictures using comparative and superlative adjectives
Q.7Identify comparative and superlative adjectives
Q.8Does the adjective compare two or more than two?
R.1Select the best preposition to match the picture
R.2Select the best preposition to complete the sentence
Transitions and sequence
S.1Use conjunctions
S.2Identify time-order words
S.3Put the sentences in order
T.1Match the contractions
T.2Form pronoun-verb contractions
T.3Form contractions with 'not'
T.4Complete the sentence with the correct contraction
U.1Capitalise the names of people and pets
U.2Capitalise days and months
U.3Capitalise sentences and the pronoun 'I'
Alphabetical order
V.1Put the letters in ABC order
V.2Put the words in ABC order
Word meanings
W.1Use context to identify the meaning of a word
W.2Choose the synonyms
W.3Choose the antonyms
W.4Sort words into categories
W.5Which word is not like the others?
W.6Find the words with related meanings
W.7Describe the difference between related words
W.8Order related words based on meaning
W.9Multiple-meaning words with pictures
W.10Use words with prefixes and suffixes
W.11Understand words with prefixes and suffixes
Literacy skills
X.1Which could happen in real life?
X.2Which feeling matches the picture?
X.3What is the picture about?
X.4What will happen next?
X.5What am I?
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